Alguien me pregunto, Porque no vas de antro? bueno... eso dio entrada a sacar lo que mas odio de la conducta juvenil urbana, asi que aqui ta la platica por msn.
-Detesto el cover, ODIO pagar por consumir... no tiene sentido. el cover es para "la exclusividad" si el chiste es ir a conocer gente, entonces conoces la gente que ellos consideraron que podria valer la pena
-La selectividad, si tienes amig@s que no son atractivos/bien vestidos/o cualquier cosa que no vaya con el antro, no te dejan entrar... y eso es discriminacion y la detesto en TODAS sus formas.
-Precios estupidos, como voy a pagar 1000 varos por una botella que afuera me cuesta 200 pesos? cerveza por 35 pesos? que mierda es eso?
-Inseguridad, bien si no es comun, sucede... algun pendejillo se pone pedo y se pone a ajerar gente y aaahhh resulta que es hijo de narco, o que tuvo la lana suficiente pa comprar pistola, osea un imbecil mas
-Ir a bailar "musica de moda" donde degradan a la mujeres comparadolas con perras, putas y le seguimos la lista. musica que pega solo porque grandes compañias la proponen y a la gente se le hace nice porque la escucha en un antro. valor real musical? CERO
-Lugares encerrados, estarte topando con gente sudada, borracha o el tipico imbecil que le vale madre que no esta permitido fumar en lugares cer
rrados, y te da el quemon con el cigarro
-Los pedos del estacionamiento, pagarle al franelero pa "echarle un ojo al carro" porque luego son ellos los que te dan el cristalazo y sacan algo
-Estar en tu mesa, y derrepente te mueven porque alguien que conoce al dueño pidio ese lugar, y como solo eres un cliente mas les vale que hayas pagado
Ir de antro solo es chido cuando:
-No hay cover, o el cover es recuperacion $0 a $50 varos
-Las bebidas son baratas y seguras
-No hay cadeneros
-Hay volumen chido para platicar
-Hay seccion de fumadores y no fumadores
-Ves gente de todos los estratos sociales
-La musica si es comercial, cuandomenos incluye bandas locales o no comerciales
Si la idea es ir a un antro a bloquear:
-La vista: Luces estroboscopicas que te dañan la retina, el humo y otras mierdas en el aire.
-El oido: Con musica de mierda, platicas huecas, sonidos sin sentido
-El gusto: Con bebidas peligrosas, mezclas exageradas y dañinas
-El olfato: Oliendo a cigarro, perfumes de mil tipos, sudor y suciedad
-El tacto: Rozar con mil personas, frotadas y agarrones
y mas importante, bloquear el sentido comun y escuchar lo que tiene que decir el otro.
Entonces defino que:
Prefiero no ir al antro
27 de octubre de 2008
Rant contra el Antro
Estuvo por aqui un Xel a las 4:10 p.m. 3 susurros
22 de octubre de 2008
Pues si, ahora si que el ocio se apodero de mi cuando estabamos en japon, bueno... la neta nadie puede culparme... los venados son la onda.
Seh, es un post random... no tenia donde subir la foto y aqui la puse.
Edit: Esto fue en Nara, donde los venados son callejeros... literalmente no hay perros callejeros, fueron desplazados por los venados y viven dentro de la ciudad, y comen de la basura y de lo que le puedan robar a los turistas.
Estuvo por aqui un Xel a las 11:15 p.m. 3 susurros
20 de octubre de 2008
Cielo Nocturno
Arte: stars_by_kailiana, tomado de
Mirar atrás y encontrar espacios vacíos es en realidad un descanso mas que una pena, no necesito mil palabras para decir las cosas que son realmente importantes, necesito en realidad un silencio profundo y algunas frases, palabras o puntos que como en el cielo pueden las estrellas arrancar la palabra del observador y dejarlo mudo, disfrutando entonces del poder de las pocas palabras y el resplandor de una estrella en la inmensidad del infinito.
Estuvo por aqui un Xel a las 11:26 a.m. 2 susurros
15 de octubre de 2008
La pobreza (Y la participación)
Hoy, en el marco del BlogActionDay dedico este post a todos los que vieron el post anterior avisando y no hicieron nada.
La participación de todos nosotros en la creación de realidades sociales es innegable, aunque te hayan dicho en tu escuela que tu compra en el oxxo no importa, que si no eres líder no pasa anda, que si lo haces discretamente te eximes de culpa... lamento decirles que NO es cierto. Toda acción que tomen, positiva o negativa tiene un impacto profundo en su realidad.
El haber o no participado en un movimiento como el BlogActionDay en sí es irrelevante, lo que es importante es absorber el mensaje de "hey gente, hay pobreza" y no solo eso "hey gente, hay pobreza y nosotros somos parte de ese sistema". El hecho que tu puedas ir a comprarte unas papas y los demás no, no significa que tu no seas pobre... la pobreza puede ser incluso de espíritu y voluntad.
Aprendí con mi cuñado, que en la vida hay que tener balance en 3 aspectos:
Si logras balancear esto, ya la armaste... si algo falla... weno... voluntad + inteligencia - amor = atropellos, violaciones y demás crímenes de lesa humanidad
Pero bueno, el tema es la pobreza.
Señores, la pobreza no se resuelve con una limosna, un semestre de servicio voluntario y mucho menos con quedarse sentados leyendo esto. Se resuelve participando en las decisiones en las políticas públicas del lugar donde vives, en el apoyo dentro del sistema (nos guste o no) a aquellos que no pueden ayudarse solos.
No sean ciudadanos cada 3 o 6 años, sean ciudadanos todos los días!, contra la pobreza no es nada sencillo... y la idea de este post, es simplemente iniciar un proceso de conciencia del medio.
Les dejo parte del post oficial del Blogactionday ^^
88 Ways to Take Action Against Poverty Right Now
1. Eat meatless meals 2x a week. Donate that grocery money to a local food bank. - TarotByArwen
2. Be homeless for a day/night. - Lex
3. Stop putting off adopting a child through an organization like Compassion International (or adopt another one). - Lex
4. Make a loan on Kiva, or buy a couple gift certificates and give them away to friends. - Lex
5. Get a group together to go door-to-door collecting canned foods for your local soup kitchen/shelter. - Lex
6. Take a homeless person to dinner and actually sit/talk with him. - Lex
7. Stop being lazy. Find a way to do your job better so that you can save an hour a day, or be that much more productive. - Alex Shalman
8. Stop buying junk to make yourself look pretty and donate it to homeless people and hungry people. - Craigsnede
9. Make flyers to stick in the local library. - Craigsnede
10. If you have a musical instrument you no longer use, donate to the still-struggling musicians and students in New Orleans, who are still recovering from Hurricane Katrina. A few great organizations that will accepts musical instruments are Tipitina’s Foundation ( and The New Orleans Musicians Relief Fund (
11. I’m interviewing a Capuchin monk vowed to Poverty about his work with Detroit’s poor for my blog, and I’m trying to arrange a fund raiser with my author and PIVTR radio station friends.
12. Find a gripping picture or video having to do with poverty and publish it on the Web.
13. Stop drinking Coke and bottled water for a day and save on plastic. Will save a lot of plastic if each of us does it for only one day.
14. Share your skill or knowledge, so they can improve their knowledge to increase their life/prosperity.
15. Visit an orphanage.
16. Stop being lazy.
17. Give comfort to the poor.
18. Donate.
19. Check your closet and make sure that anything you have not used last winter is taken to a charitable organization. Ask your friends and neighbors and volunteer to pick up the clothes, launder them and deliver them to those organizations. They will do no good in your closet and a world of good to someone in need.
20. On one day only eat food that you have asked someone for directly or for the money you need to buy it. Pay attention to the feelings.
21. Have a “sponsor me” day. Donate money to a poverty relief cause for everyone who leaves a comment on your blog that day.
22. Designers for Blog Action Day group on Flickr. Submit your designs:
23. Organize a Hunger 101 Program for a local youth group. Our Girl Scout community learned about what they could do to help the working poor in our community. This inspired them to organize several Take Action events:
24. Add the “Women Rock” badge to your website or Facebook page.
25. if any of us knew or aware about any organisation which can help educate them, like, skills centre, entrepeneurship centre..u know, stuffs they do to help these pople actually do something to improve their life, we might try to collect name carsd from these organisations (NGOs or ministries), and walk around and passed these cards to them, with of couse, maybe some donations of any supplies.
26. Skip a weekly trip to the grocery store and donate the money saved to a food bank. I do this once a year for my family of 5. For that week we only eat what is left in the pantry or fridge. By the end of the week, pickings are slim and we get a sense of what it feels like to not have the luxury of tasty, well balanced meals every night.
27. Make a personal fundraising page in 5 minutes on Raise money securely online for any US-based nonprofit committed to ending poverty in the US or around the world. Here’s an example page:
28. Have dinner on the floor and make it a very small meal (like chicken broth, watered down milk, and maybe a small piece of bread?) Talk about the blessings you have and that the meal represents those who don’t get to eat “big” on a daily basis.
29. Volunteer at a soup kitchen!
30. Play!
31. If you have take out coffee, skip it for an entire week, donate the savings!
32. Give 5 bucks to a homeless person who looks hungry!
33. Talk with your children about poverty and who it affects.
34. Save your old stuff and sold it for charity
35. Support charity organization in your country. Reducing poverty may start in your nearest region.
36. Do something to touch 3 people or to reach out to 3 people and get them to pay it forward.
37. Give a gallon of water to each of 3 people who need it?
38. Give a $10 gift certificate to each of 3 homeless, single mothers so that she and her children can have one hot meal at a fast food restaurant?
39. Ask 3 entrepreneurs to each make a donation to 3 people or causes?
40. Holding perhaps daily or weekly community classes for imparting knowledge from our side and educating the local masses is something we all can do by coming together at grass root level.
41. Avoiding overconsumption.
42. Contributing to relief funds which can assist this cause.
43. Host a 1 day famine and collect donations. With the donations, pass it to a Welfare/Poverty Organisation.
44. Plan a pot luck/BBQ or a get together inviting close friends and neighbours, to bring awareness and also to raise funds for a shelter home. Funds can be used to purchase the necessary groceries for the home.
45. Pray for the comfort and safety of the world’s poor. Pray for the strength, wisdom and courage to help each of them find prosperity.
46. Combat corruption!
47. Don’t just talk to your kids about poverty - get them involved by having them go through their toys and clothes to find concrete things to pass along. The next time they want you to buy something for them - talk about what that money could buy for someone who had no food… then follow through and donate the money you didn’t spend.
48. Donate your time and expertise to teach a class to those trying to find a new way to earn a living.
49. To add to the previous suggestions, rather than just donate money to homeless people, why not use the money you would use on yourself for a coffee to buy one for someone else. If you get coupons for free beverages or meals, keep them with you and give them to someone in need.
50. As you find organizations to which you like to donate food, clothing, etc., spend some time volunteering for that organization. Contribute to the organizations you are already supporting in other ways.
51. Educate others. If you are a teacher, talk to your students about poverty. Get their opinions. Inspire them. If you work in other areas, strike up a conversation with your colleagues in the lunchroom or lounge. Get educated so you can answer questions and provide information that might spur others into action.
52. Visit The Hunger Site every day and click the link to feed the hungry. It’s fast and it’s free and there’s absolutely NO excuse not to do it every day you’re online!
53. Be compassionate.
54. Invite friends to watch documentaries how poverty destroyed ones life,family and their future.
55. Do not waste water on that day.
56. Express your love and compassion for one street child by having an enrollment conversation with her.
57. Ask your child to share her food with the child of your maid on that day.
58. Make a list of five items you haven’t used for long and have no plans to use them in future either. And distribute them among local poors with all humility.
59. Compose a poem on the theme ‘Making Poverty A History’ and get it published in a local magazine or paper. Also, ask your baby to recite the poem in her school.
60. Talk to your five relatives about the poverty issue and invite them to come up with their suggestions to eradicate poverty.
61. Organize a drawing competition for kids on the poverty theme and exhibit their works in a local school or community centre.
62. Do not overeat on that day.
63. Save electricity on that day and contribute the equivalent savings to a local charity.
64. Contribute your one day salary to a child rehabilitation centre.
65. Get a few friends, gather all your unused items, sell it and buy something a meal for the poor in your neighborhood.
66. Si tan solo los gobiernos hicieran mucho mas por este flagelo, la pobreza se reduciría en un 70% por no decir 100%. Observo como a algunos gobiernos que han prometido en sus campañas electorales que acabarían con este mal, luego de llegar al poder y por motivo del oro negro les entran grandes cantidades de dinero, ¿y que es lo que han hecho con el, en vez de ayudar al pais? Financiar con ese dinero (que se supone es del pueblo), proyectos políticos solo para sus intereses personales… da tanta tristeza ver cuanta gente tirada por la calle, sin tener que comer, o donde dormir, mientras estos señores se gastan el dinero de tantos ciudadanos, comprando poder para satisfacer su ego.
67. Travel to a poor country or area. Look for ways to make a difference on the ground there.
68. On your next off day from work, go to a homeless shealter and help serve food to those who are there, talk with them, listen to their stories, you will find that they were at one time, alot like yourself.
69. Let’s learn to love and respect one another, and to give to those who have less.
70. Pictures. It’s one thing to say that the milk my son spilled at lunch this afternoon was more than some kids get. But some people don’t see how real that is unless they’re looking at a picture.So, I’m looking for them.
71. Talk about poverty.
72. To most Americans, it’s not real unless we see it. I’m going to be revamping my blog so that poverty is prominent, and I’m talking about it more often.
73. Don’t stop at the generalities. War, famine, corruption, etc. all happen, and should be resisted. However, let’s dig deeper and go into the specifics. Not just talking about thousands of people dying of thirst … let’s talk about a real person.
74. Pull out the hearts of the readers, and make them confront what they know is right and wrong.
75. Instead of video games and other toys, give your neighbors and friends gift certificates for classical music lessons. For every $1 spent on music education, by my calculations, you get a $4.57 return on your investment from age 4-22 and that investment can never be taken away from you. Throughout one’s lifetime it pays much, much more. Take the money you save and give it in music lessons to the next person.
76. Go to your school board meetings and demand better music education. The arts are part of the core curriculum of “No Child Left Behind” and as I’ve been telling people for a few months now, the less we have to pay for health care and crime, the more we have to spend on food and shelter and doing good for our neighbors.
77. The more intelligent we are and the more productive we are, the more fruitfully we can spend our time, and the more we can produce to give away.
78. The reason why poverty still exist in Indonesia is because people is giving cash money to the poor at the streets and those money usually being used for things that usually destructive/not good (buying drugs, etc.) In order to stop poverty, the government already got their program to fight it but it didn’t go successfully for people still think that they are better off at the streets and there’s this what-so-called ‘mafia’ that organize these poor people at the streets.
79. In order to fight this, the people started to give food/meal/clothes to the poor instead of cash money so it would stop the process.
80. I think in order to stop poverty is to give what the people really need, not just giving it away for the sake of ‘being kind’ ;)
81. Fund educational programs for women.
82. Ensure that women have legal protections.
83. Educate people about the plight of women around the world.
84. Educate yourself on one aspect of poverty that affects women, whether it’s educating yourself on what’s going on with rape or abortion legislation in your own local area, or finding out what you can do to help women in other countries attain the basic human rights they deserve, by doing research on organisations that help women and contributing to those organisations in some way.
85. Do a campaign of creative advertisements for public awareness and a call to action. Do a poster, do an ambient campaign, write a radio or TV spot.
86. Breadline Africa is launching a Blogger Bake Off to help raise awareness and funds. If you want to do something on Blog Action Day, you should turn your talking (which is very worthwhile) into action: donate to a charity. Organisations that use funds directly in poor communities will be using your money where it can do the most good: at the grass roots level.
87. Educate yourself.
88. Prepare a space in your home for the poor to stay as needed.
Estuvo por aqui un Xel a las 12:36 p.m. 0 susurros
13 de octubre de 2008
Al final de cuentas
Haciendo recuento de estos ultimos dias:
>Paso UNIteso 2008, gane el premio al mas odiado xD es un orgullo ser reconocido como el presidente mas duro, significa entonces que apliqué bien el reglamento.
>Tuve algunos altercados con Kike, estamos viendo como resolverlos, es buena bestia jajaja ok ok compa, pero derrepente si chocamos en opiniones
>Pues sigo solo como perro, ojalá aparezca ese alguien para mí algún día pronto.
>Ando algo nervioso por la cuestion de los dineros, no encuentro mis lentes, la arha se jodio... ahhh justo en tiempo de crisis.
>Alguien que quiera darme un abrazo, estoy a sus órdenes donde siempre ^^
>Necesito una chamba temporal con pago bueno... alguna idea gente?
>Quiero rooooooolllll XD
Estuvo por aqui un Xel a las 11:48 a.m. 3 susurros
7 de octubre de 2008
Senyores y senyoras, se acerca el Blog action day 2008!
participen gente, si no somos nosotros... quienes?
El tema de este anyo: la pobreza
Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty from Blog Action Day on Vimeo.
Estuvo por aqui un Xel a las 10:00 p.m. 0 susurros
6 de octubre de 2008
Un dia raro
un dia raro es aquel que llena de ese wtf comodo... no se no tiene explicacion, cuando todo va... bien? cuando tienes pláticas largas, el lugares comodos y con amigos... cuando las preocupaciones del mundo no te alcanzan y cuando sientes que en realidad, estas siendo tu mismo.
Uniteso 2008 se acerca, en esta ocasion sere presidente de mesa del consejo de derechos humanos, y bueno... veremos que tal se desarrolla el debate. Me esforzare en no tomar partido y ser absolutamente neutral ><
Uniteso 2004 - Filipinas, Consejo de Seguridad
Uniteso 2005 - Taller de Resolución de Conflictos
Uniteso 2006 - Rusia, Consejo de Seguridad
Uniteso 2007 - Estados Unidos, Consejo de Seguridad
subire fotillos eventualmente, he tomado varias muy interesantes con Shunkashuuto, mi cel XD
Porcierto, gracias a los que todavia leen esto ^^
Estuvo por aqui un Xel a las 3:40 p.m. 1 susurros